Sutcliffe Farms
Sutcliffe Farms is the largest Asparagus producer in British Columbia, Canada. Our asparagus brand is called “Kootenay Green” and we harvest over 100 acres of asparagus a year. Each piece is hand-picked ensuring the highest quality spear each and every time.
The farm soil type is classified as silty loam and the farm itself is situated on a rich, fertile, alluvial flood plain. Our asparagus is sub-irrigated by the Kootenay River located adjacent to our farm. Most asparagus is grown in well irrigated, sandy soil where nutrients are added yearly. However, our unique conditions produce a perfect asparagus spear using the natural native minerals to create a flavourful taste like no other.
Sutcliffe Farms was established in the 1950’s and has produced asparagus in addition to other vegetables and field crops. During our 50 years of asparagus production we have been fortunate to establish a large network of people who enjoy our product. In fact, we sell half our yield at the farm gate. Call ahead to place your order to ensure availability. If you have further interest in seeing just how our farm operates, then please call 250.428.2734 to arrange a personalized tour. We are also Food Safe Canada GAP Certified.

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